Volunteer Application Volunteer ApplicationThank you for your interest in voluneering for Neutral Zone Studios The Neutral Zone is a not-for-profit venture. As such, all work is completed entirely by a volunteer workforce. We are always on the lookout for talented, committed people to complete a a wide range of tasks such as studio visitor check-in, assistants to production leaders, construction & maintenance assistants, grips (people who move and set lights), and yes, light janitorial duties. Some needed tasks also include those which are not necessarily connected with the physical plant such as wrangling extras, social media management & fundraising. If you are interested in giving your time and talent by volunteering with Neutral Zone Studios, please fill out the this application. We will review your application and contact you as needed based on the skill-sets that we require.Contact InformationLegal First name *Legal Middle Name *Legal Last Name *Email *Phone *Mailing Address *Apt, Suite, etc. City *State *5-Digit Zip Code *How did you hear about us? *GoogleFacebookInstagramTwitterYouTubeTikTokPatreonI attended a Fan Appreciation WeeknedPrint mediaWord of MouthSkills InformationTell us a little about you In order to find a task that best suites your talents, we'd like to learn a little about you and what you do day-to-day; your job, your hobbies, your experience, your dreams and aspirations. If you would, please provide as much information as you are able so that we can match you up with a task that you will find fulfilling and fun.Please briefly describe what your day job is. Tell us a little about what it is you do for your day job. Please do not include sensitive data if you work for the government. Note that we will not contact your employer without expressed, written permission.Tell us a little about your hobbies and what interests you. *What are some types of tasks that you think you may find interesting and fun to do? Pick all that apply.Building Maintenance & CustodialSet ConstructionLow-Voltage Electrical WorkSocial Media ManagementWeb DesignScript & Production ReviewCraft Services (Feed\Water Cast\Crew)Grip (moves the lights under direction)Electician (must be certified)Prop BuildingTheatrical Makeup (includes application of prostetics)Costume Design and Creation (must be an excellent seamsress/tailor)Background Actor (Extras)Production Assistant (Go-fer during productions and events)Graphic Design (must have a demo)Background CheckAll volunteer applications are subject to approval pending background checks. By checking this box you agree to the terms. No application will be approved and you will not be listed as a volunteer until then. What is your job?:What is your job?: